editor n. 1.编者,编辑;校刊者;校订者。 2.影片剪辑装置。 3.社论撰写人 (=〔美国〕 editorial writer, 〔英国〕 leader writer)。 chief editor= editor in chief (pl. editors in chief) 总编辑;主编,主笔。 a city editor 商业金融栏编辑。 a contributing editor 特约编辑。 a financial editor 〔美国〕经济版编辑。 a managing editor 编辑主任,主编。
Film editor : there are different steps . ' synching up ' , for example 有许多步骤。例如音画同步。
Film editors used to splice reels of film together to make a whole movie 以前的电影剪辑人员是将几卷影片接合成一部电影。
Rumor has it that film editors never sleep . is it true ? do you sleep 谣传说在制作这部影片的时候制片几乎没有睡过觉,是真的吗?你有睡过吗?
George akers ( british film editor ) : what is love ? love is when you care more about someone else than you care about yourself 乔治?阿克斯(英国电影剪接师) :什么是爱?爱是你关心他人犹胜自己的那一刻。
Film editor : oh yes , a lot of people probably don ' t know how complicated a job it can be . it ' s far more than just sticking pieces of film together 是的。许多人可能认为这项工作并不复杂。只是把电影片段连接起来。
Film editor : oh yes , a lot of people probably don ' t know how complicated a job it can be . it ' s far more than just sticking pieces of film together 是的。许多人可能不了解这项工作的复杂性。它远不是把几个电影片段连在一起那么简单。
Film editor : oh yes , a lot of people probably don ' t know how complicated a job it can be . it ' s far more than just sticking pieces of film together 是的。许多人可能不了解这项工作的复杂性。它远不是把几个电影片段连在一起那么简单。